Monday, July 23, 2012


So my husband found a job. It's not a great job, but he goes every day and toughs it out. Despite his arthritic back and his hip implants, he does not complain. I'm talking handicap placard, his doctor got that for him right away several years ago, as he does not want him straining his hip implants by walking too far.

He called me out of the blue today.

"You are not going to believe this, but I was sitting here wishing for a better job, and all of a sudden my phone rang. It was the head manager of a company that I applied to three weeks ago. They want to interview me tonight after I get out of work!"

He rushed home, and I dolled him up in some nice black slacks, from his suit (as they said no tie required), a white dress shirt, brand new dress socks, black dress shoes, and some Soul cologne.

"Just a bit goes a long way," I advised.

Then he was nice enough to stop and get more cat treats, as Chloe the Wonder Kitten, now a grown Cat, was bugging moi for gravy food. And Max, whom I call "Maxwell Smart," is getting quite large now. He is half Maine Coon, from a breeder, and has short hair and a raccoon-like ring tail. I can see why Marie Antoinette would want to save her cats over her own person. He is a fine specimen. And my buddy. Max knows Calculus.

Sometimes all it takes is to light a candle to push away the Dark Shadows. I know he will do fine, as he is highly motivated to get out of his current position, and well, he finally listened to his wife on how to dress properly for interviews. Only took 6 years!

His favorite t-shirt reads, "Who Cares About Status?" That's what Rob is all about: being yourself, and going with the flow. Eventually, he will re-build his hypnosis and creativity coaching business, which took a huge downturn in 2008. He already has some clients in the pipeline. They are coming to him, now. He also has a wonderful phone voice, and has helped my friends for free over the phone many times. He is taking a limited amount of new clients right now, due to his busy schedule, but feel free to give him a jingle at:


Leave a message, as he does not answer his phone due to all the sales people calling him and trying to sell him products for his business. Or you can drop me a note at mariemonteux _at_ gmail _dot_ com, and I will make sure he gets it as soon as he has some free time.

Wish him luck tonight! He really wants this new job! They are originally farmers from Maine, as were a lot of my ancestors. So they must be all right, because:

"No Farms, No food." Even vegetarians have to agree on that point.

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